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"OMG" Old Photos "Apj Abdul kalam" || Special forever || Super photos ||

           "OMG" Old Photos "Apj Abdul kalam"

     APJ Abdul Kalam was the youngest child in a family of four brothers and a sister. He came from a very poor background and in a young age, sold newspapers to help his family make a living. His dream was to become a fighter pilot and he unfortunately missed his dream as he placed 9th in the qualifiers when there were only 8 openings. While at school and college/university, he was always an average student. However, his love for mathematics kept his up studying late into the night. Kalam was the 11th President of India and succeeded K. R Narayan as the President. After giving up his post as the president, he became a professor and visiting faculty at multiple institutes across India. It was during one of his lectures as the IIM, Megahlaya that he suffered a cardiac arrest and passed away.

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