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5 Fun and Extra Ordinary Things "Apj Abdul kalam"


 5 fun and Extra ordinary things "Apj Abdul  kalam"

1)  Kalam was known as the ‘Missile Man’ of India due to his continued, successful work with ballistic missiles and launch vehicle technology.

2)  Kalam wrote a great deal of poetry in Tamil, and was very fond of playing a musical instrument known as the Veena.

3)  A fun fact about APJ Abdul Kalam is that although he was a Muslim, he was also a strict vegetarian.

4)  Kalam is the first unmarried president and scientist in India.

5)  He moved to a small room where he kept his bed. He used the same room to work and sleep. Not only this, the humble man also kept his dining room locked and often had his meals on the floor with the staff who worked with him.

                                              _Apj Abdul Kalam.

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